-We are honored that you are considering joining Vizavee for your PRIMARY CARE SERVICES.
-Our PRIMARY CARE SERVICES are available MONDAY through FRIDAY from 8 am to 5 pm.
-As a MEMBER of the VIZAVEE PRIMARY care we extend our URGENT CARE SERVICES, Every Day, Every Holiday, and Every Weekend.
-Our main goal is to anticipate and keep you from having to use the EMERGENT CARE SERVICES.
-If you would like to leave us a message you can call 352-268-2664, we will get back with your during our business hours.
-If you have an URGENT MEDICAL CARE, simply come over and have one of our provider take care of you right away.
-To expedite your INTAKE, please click below and fill out our PRIMARY CARE REGISTRATION FORM online, or stop by and pick up a hard copy | PRINT OUT in one of our three offices.